Yesterday, the bill was read and assigned to the House Insurance Committee. The next step will depend on the chair of the insurance committee, Representative John Smithee, scheduling a hearing for the bill before the committee. Representative Coleman will request the hearing but we can help by calling Rep. Smithee's office (512-463-0702) and asking that he schedule a hearing as well.
Once we have a hearing date, we will need folks willing to go to Austin. If you might be interested in testifying, or if you know someone who has a convincing personal story about the need for insurance coverage for the treatment of speech, language, and hearing impairment, please contact me. Even if you do not want to speak, it is important to have people there in support of this bill. You can come and sign in on a piece of paper registering you support and you never have to say anything; this does make a difference! I am planning on taking my children since this legislation includes a mandate of coverage for dependents - let the representatives look in the faces of the children this bill would affect. Let's pack the hearing and show them that Texans think this issue is important!
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